

Water soluble fertilizer powder

Water soluble fertilizer powder


This product is a full nutrition, easy to absorb, quick effect of multi-functional fertilizer. With fertilizer grade polyphosphate saddle, it has chelation and slow release, so that nutrients are not easy to be fixed by soil, directly to the root, promote root growth and development, improve soil compaction, improve fertilizer utilization rate, and improve crop yield and quality. Rich in a variety of chelated metal trace elements, prevent the occurrence of various crop deficiency symptoms. The ratio is reasonable and can be safely and effectively absorbed by crops.



Product Features

  High K and N type:(15-15-30+TE, 20-8-30+TE, 12-6-40+TE, 10-10-30+TE)

 High K and N type apply for fruiting period of fruiter and melons, and other crops in the late period.

 Containing higher proportions of NO3-N, it is advantageous to supply K to plants and accumulation of nutrients rapidly.

 High water-soluble K content, stronger crops, increasing fruit setting rate, promoting fruit ripe and improving the value of commodities.

 Rich in a variety of EDTA microelements that can prevent any case of deficiency symptoms.

 High N type:(30-10-10+TE, 25-15-10+TE)

 High N type applies for seedling period of fruiter and melons, and other crops in the medium period.

 Containing higher proportions, it is advantageous to supply N to plants and accumulation of nutrients rapidly.

 Rich in a variety of EDTA microelements that can prevent any case of deficiency symptoms.

 High P type:(15-30-15+TE, 10-40-10+TE, 10-50-10+TE)

 High P type: suitable for the nutritional needs of crop flowering

 Balanced NPK supply that satisfies growth of plant roots and stem, which increases crop yield and quality

 Rich in a variety of EDTA elements with reasonable matching that can be absorbed by crops safety and effective

 Promoting the roots system growth in the early period and metabolism, prevention and controlling any virus caused by fungi or bacteria. To improve the crop resistance and quality.

 Completely water soluble, suitable for advanced high-end facilities of drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and infiltrating irrigation, etc.

 Balanced type:(17-17-17+TE, 19-19-19+TE, 20-20-20+TE)

 Balanced type is suitable for crop growth period of all the nutritional needs

 Containing a high proportion of urea nitrogen, can promote the special nutritional needs of nitrogen in the early stage of crops

 Balanced NPK supply that satisfies growth of plant roots and stem, which increases crop yield and quality

 Rich in a variety of EDTA elements with reasonable matching that can be absorbed by crops safety and effective

 Completely water soluble, suitable for advanced high-end facilities of drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and infiltrating irrigation, etc.


High nitrogen, high phosphorus, balance, high potassium and other formulations, suitable for fruit trees, melons, vegetables and other cash crops in the whole growth period application.


10Kg, 20Kg, 25Kg woven bag with plastic liner